A uniquely comprehensive volume of queer theology that covers every book of both testaments. It introduces students to a range of hermeneutical principles and strategies employed in queer interpretations of biblical texts.
Schüssler Fiorenza, E., 2009, Caminhos da sabedoria: uma introdução à interpretação bíblica feminista, São Bernardo do Campo: Nhanduti Editora. Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth, 2017, Ephesians, Wisdom Commentary 50, Collegeville, ...
But the volume also contains some theoretical reflections, and it ends with three +critical responses' from scholars with interdisciplinary interests on the place of queer read-ing of the Bible in broader contexts.
" This incredibly rich collection unites the voices of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and straight-allied writers, including some of the most central figures in contemporary American Judaism.
Is the Bible a document of oppression, brimming with "tests of terror" to be wielded against lesbians and gay men? Or can traces of queer tribal history--and a message of...
... The Straight Mind and Other Essays. Boston: Beacon. Van Leeuwen, M. Stewart. 1997. To Ask a Better Question: The Heterosexuality-Homosexuality Debate Revisited. Int 31:143–58. Vander Stichele, Caroline ... THE STRAIGHT MIND IN CORINTH 281.
... 268n118 Sisto , Jeremy , 250n91 Skinner , Marilyn B. , 209012 , 254n13 , 259n58 , 265n96 , 266n102 Smart , Carol , 262n77 Smith , Bruce , 21212 Smith , J. Pye , 75-76 , 233n137 , 233n139 Smith , Moody D. , 24in12 Smith - Christopher ...
In the 1970s , a number of key works of apologetic theology were published . In 1976 , John J. McNeill , a Jesuit priest , published The Church and the Homosexual , which had the stated purpose of reassessing the ...
This expanded edition sets a new standard for women's and biblical studies.
Barr , James . 1981. “ The Bible as a Document of Believing Communities ” , in Hans Dieter Betz , ed . , The Bible as a Document of the University , Chico : Scholars Press . 1992. ... Barton , George Aaron . 1959 [ 1908 ] .
Many aspects of the work are guaranteed to be highly controversial within and outside of the LGBT community.