A Transforming Vision: Knowing and Loving the Triune God

A Transforming Vision: Knowing and Loving the Triune God
SCM Press
George Westhaver


The study of Christian theology in the last half century has seen a major renaissance in Trinitarian thought which has attempted to connect Trinitarian theology to all aspects of Christian faith and practice. This revival has often addressed the unfortunate split which has haunted much modern theological endeavour between theology and both prayer and practice, the disjunction between thought about God and the movement of the heart toward God in transformed lives. Drawn from papers given at a Pusey House conference in 2015, the contributors to this collection explore what it means to know and love the Triune God, and how the knowledge of God can be a transforming and saving knowledge. Table of Contents: Preface vii Acknowledgements xv John Webster – A Tribute Andrew Moore xvii Part 1: Surveying the Mystery Sermon: Trinitarian Communion - Jonathan Goodall 1 Eucharistic Priority in Trinitarian Theology: Retrieving a Patristic Idea - Jarred Mercer 2 ‘A Semblance more Lucid’? An Exploration of Trinitarian Space - Jeremy Begbie Part 2: Foundations 3 Theophany as Divine Hospitality in Origen and Chrysostom - Hans Boersma 4 The Gospels on Knowing God as Triune - Markus Bockmuehl 5 Knowing and Loving the Triune God: The Pauline Epistles - Jennifer Strawbridge 6 The Trinity in the Mystical Theology of the Christian East - Kallistos Ware 7 Wisdom as True Worship: From Augustine’s De Vera Religione to De Trinitate - Paige E. Hochschild Part 3: Explorations Sermon: Caught in the Divine Net Jonathan Goodall 8 Humanity Created for Communion with the Trinity in Aquinas - Richard Conrad 9 Cranmer’s Gnadenstuhl: Continuity and Change in the Liturgy - Gavin Dunbar 10 Hooker’s Trinitarian Theology and the Everyday - Gary Thorne 11 The Gothic Revival, Pre-Raphaelitism and Trinitarian Art in Britain - Ayla Lepine Part 4: The Trinity in Prayer, in Life and in the Church Sermon: Transformed by Encounter - Jonathan Goodall 12 Father Sergii Bulgakov on the Doctrine of the Trinity - Andrew Louth 13 Hans Urs Von Balthasar: The Trinity and Prayer - Lucy Gardner 14 Participation in God: An Experiment in Trinitarian Philosophy - Lydia Schumacher 15 The Trinity and the Moral Life: In memoriam John Webster - Oliver O’Donovan 16 Sermon: Foretaste of the New Creation - Jonathan Goodall Conclusion: Knowing and Loving the Triune God - Rowan Williams

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