"The second edition is very welcome and represents and extremely usefuladdition to theory/models texts. Pam brings a very lively style of debate tothese issues and, extremely importantly, adds a critical edge which is whatstudents require within the realm of contemporary practice." Professor Jonathan Parker, Head of Department of Social Work, University of Hull. What skills do social workers need to become effective practitioners? How can these skills be perfected and made transferable across different service user and carer groups, contexts, and countries? How can these skills be used to enhance multi-agency co-operation and collaboration? Written by an experienced academic-practitioner, the new edition of this best-selling text is updated to include the current educational, policy and practice context of social work. It includes descriptions of over fifty social work skills, with case examples to illustrate their creative use in practice. Giving a name to these skills, and being able to identify and demonstrate their effective use in contemporary social work practice, highlights the importance of an evidence based and research led approach to practice. In particular, this edition contains new material on: Social work methods, practice approaches and perspectives The knowledge base of social work and the importance of the relationship between theory and practice How the termsskillandinterventionare defined and effectively applied in practice The starting point for this text is that social work is – and has to be - a highly skilled activity. It is important to stress this fact because social work practitioners work with some of the most complex, unpredictable and troubling areas of human experience. For this reason, social work practice is also an intellectual activity. This calls for practitioners to acquire a ‘toolbox’ of skills that can be used to enable people to move forward. Social Work Skillsis essential reading for all social work students and a valuable reference text for practising social workers and human service professionals.
Then look no further! This series of concise and easy-to-use A-Zs will be your guide. Designed for both students and newly-qualified social workers, this book will introduce you to over 60 key skills in a concise and no-nonsense way.
And social workers In Skills for Direct Practice in Social Work Ruth Middleman and Gale Goldberg Wood provide a practical, clear discussion of sixty-three skills needed by all who must interact purposefully with individuals and groups in ...
experience, while also maintaining awareness of what the self is experiencing (Gerdes & Segal, 2011). Emotion regulation refers to the ability to manage one's emotional responses. For example, when a client describes discriminatory ...
11 social class, see class social control, 240, 281 social exclusion, 17, 77, 242, 247, 261, 264,308 see also ... 261, 324, 326 see also caring Social Work Benchmark Statement (2008),7,100,118,159 social work education and training, ...
In M. Davies (ed.) The encyclopaediaofsocial work. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Johnsson, E andSvensson ... McKay,M, Davis, M andFanning, P(1995) Messages: The communication skills book. 2nd edition. Oakland,CA:New Harbinger.
Part I of the text includes three chapters that address the core foundations of social work practice: how assessment, intervention and evaluation are linked; the role of theory and research in practice; and a chapter on ethics.
Using a systemic approach, Pincus and Minahan (1973, p. 9) defined the purpose: Social work is concerned with the interactions between people and their social environment which affect the ability of people to accomplish their life tasks ...
241–258). New York: Greenwood Press. Bowen, G. (2007). An analysis of citizen participation in anti-poverty programs. Community Development Journal, 43(1), 65–78. Bowers Andrews, A. (2004).
Boston: Pearson Education Inc. Saleebey, D. (2013) The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice (6th edn). Boston: Pearson. Samson, P. L. (2015) Practice wisdom: the art and science of social work. Journal of Social Work Practice, ...
This format saves the journalist time because they can edit the release in this form and pass it to print or to the announcer who will read it on air (Mathews, 1991: 55). 6 Is the media release free of typographical errors? 7.