"There is a growing body of literature surrounding the incorporation and complexity of partnership working within service delivery and whilst this edited book adds to that knowledge, it places a specific focus on highlighting examples of best practice within the field of health,social care and criminal justice..... In short, anyone working within the range of areas addressed here is likely to find something of value and, therefore, the book fits with the editors' suggested audience of practitioners, students and managers who increasingly have to work in a joined-up way as part of mainstream business." Michelle Jolley, PhD Student, School of Law, University of Plymouth, UK in The Howard Journal May 2010 "It would be a rare practitioner or manager whose daily round does not include some partnership activity. Yet, glitzy conferences notwithstanding, how often is its practice, let alone its theory properly examined and its value evaluated within those partnership agencies? This is the second edition of a book which aims to do this ... It is worth obtaining this book for Chapter 16 alone. Entitled 'On the receiving end: Reflections from a service user', it should be compulsory reading for every practitioner, manager and politician for its matter-of-fact yet piercing account of being a service user." Journal of Health and Social Care in the Community Volume 18 Issue 1, Published Online: 15 Dec 2009 "The second edition ... offers the reader a range of chapters that consider some of the key areas of social and health care where partnership working can be effective ... The central theme of partnership working is an important one at a time when it has yet again been painful to see how departments, organisations and agencies have failed the vulnerable in preventing some horrendous criminal acts ... this book is a welcome addition to the increasing number of texts that are now addressing working across departmental and organisational boundaries." British Journal of Social Work "Contemporary health and social care requires practitioners to develop effective partnerships with patients and clients and with the wider service workforce. This text is designed to promote the development of such partnerships and demonstrates the ways in which partnership can work effectively in practice... This text is clearly written with all the health and social care professions in mind and will prove to be an invaluable resource for students and trained staff alike." Margaret Chambers, Lecturer in Children's Nursing, University of Plymouth, UK Comprehensive yet concise, this text addresses many of the main social and health issues facing society today, and incorporates a practical focus to demonstrate partnership working. The new edition of this popular book has been updated to include new chapters on the partnership approach in criminal justice and provides a practical and theoretical insight into some of the issues when working in collaborative partnership with other agencies. The text examines the partnership approach to delivering services in relation to: Child protection Mental health Gypsy travellers Domestic violence Drug misuse Homelessness Old and young people HIV and AIDS The first section of the book examines the nature of partnership in relation to concepts, politics, diversity, ethics and information technology. The second edition incorporates knowledge from a range of carefully selected contributors, using their expertise with particular user groups to illustrate where collaboration is crucial for effective practice. The final section reflects upon what has been learnt about partnership work and includes reflections from a service user and a chapter on evaluation. Effective Practice in Health, Social Care and Criminal Justiceis an essential text for students, practitioners and managers from a variety of human service agencies, and is a must-read for anyone working in a multi-agency partnership.
Good Practice in Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice Series Edited by Jacki Pritchard This series explores topics of current concern to professionals working in social care, health care and the probation service.
This book will be essential reading for anyone working with vulnerable adults, including social workers, care managers, care workers, health care staff, police, probation officers, staff within the prison system, advocates, volunteers, ...
Good Practice in Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice Series Edited by 7acki Pritchard This series explores topics of current concern to professionals Working in social care, health care and the probation service.
Good Practice in Assessing Risk is a comprehensive guide to good practice for those working with risk, covering a wide variety of health, social care and criminal justice settings including child protection, mental health, work with sex ...
"This is the book some of us have been waiting for!" Sue Spencer, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University â· How do health and social care agencies work together effectively to deliver...
This book will be essential reading for anyone working with vulnerable adults, including health and social care workers, care managers, support workers, volunteers, advocates, police, probation staff, prison staff, lawyers training officers ...
This text is a guide to good practice within adult mental health care, providing a comprehensive introduction to mental health and illness.
Referencing the 2016 CACREP standards, Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Elements of Effective Practice by editors J. Scott Young and Craig S. Cashwell combines solid foundational information with practical application for a realistic ...
One of the most important and innovative features of the text is that it offers a practical tool for readers to identify and monitor competences.
Good Practice in Social Work 9 This is a practical and trans-disciplinary guide for professionals working with vulnerable adults, who include the frail elderly, those with mental health problems or physical disabilities, learning ...