This workbook provides ideal preparation for students wanting to become self aware and self evaluative before moving into practice for the first time.
A practical workbook for Social Work students that presumes no prior clinical experience and uses no technical psychological jargon.
Social workers are needed in the practice arena to address the wide array of social problems. ... Ed.), Comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare: The profession of social work (vol. 1, pp. 395–417). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Such recognition clarifies practice for both the worker and the client. This classic text provides a framework to help social workers develop an understanding of the theories which inescapably underpin their thoughts and actions.
Corcoran, K. and Keeper, C. (1992). Psychodynamic treatment for persons with borderline personalities. In K. Corcoran (Ed.), Structuring change: Effective practice for common client problems (pp. 255–271). Chicago: Lyceum.
... the social context to allow for higherlevel changes in social problems? (Stotzer & Alvarez, 2009, p. 324) Lee viewed social workers as professionals with responsibilities involving community practice, social action, and leadership.
(2019, May Fell, J. C., Beirness, D. J., Voas, R. B., Smith, ... Antoniou, T., Mamdani, M. M., Paterson, J. M., & Van den Brink, W. (2017).
This title introduces students to the role of the social worker teaches fundamental communication skills, and emphasizes key social work values, ethics and issues.
This edition contains a new preface by the author, written in 2008, in which he examines the continuing value of his framework, concluding that it remains an effective tool for making sense of the profession's most current ideas.
Introduction to Social Work Practice
Learn how social workers use their professional expertise to assist people. This text is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series.