"This informative and easy to follow book will be useful in supporting Social Care professionals to develop this core social work skill in producing factual, structured, effective and well presented reports for various social needs and client groups. [It] guides the report writer to produce reports that are anti discriminatory, concise, open, honest and written in plain English facilitating better understanding of the report for both the person the report is about and the readers of the report." Veronica Clifton, Social Worker and Practice Teacher "This book is grounded in practice and provides clear guidance on a range of elements which need to be in place in order to produce effective reports ... It provides a framework and aide - memoir which is developed and reinforced by the use of good practice points and check lists ... It should meet the needs of a wide audience and can be used in a variety of settings." Joe Szymkowiak, Registered Social Worker "This pocket guide is brimming with good practice points and checklists, points of law, reminders, hints, report templates and much, much more to guide social workers in report writing. It also outlines the specific features which are required of reports in specific situations such as core assessments, safeguarding or detentions under the Mental Health Act ... This guide is highly recommended as a tool for all students and practitioners." Dr Martin Webber, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK Report writing is a key social work skill, and one in which many practitioners receive very little formal training and preparation. This practical book provides key information, hints and tips to help you to develop your report writing style and to consider best practice in your written communication. Part of a new Social Work Pocketbooks series, this easy to use guide supports social workers at all levels. The book contains: A range of report templates Examples of good practice in report writing Specialist chapters covering legal, policy and assessment situations Checklists to provide reminders of content and style requirements Understanding the audience and purpose of your report writing is also a key consideration and this book explores: Which information to include Formulating evidence into logical and clear recommendations User involvement in the process and the role of consent Considering a range of situations, practice dilemmas and service user groups, this book will assist you in producing professional, informative and good quality reports.
The theme throughout is fitness for purpose, and the text is enriched by a wide variety of examples drawn from the worlds of business, industry and government.
This book brings together experts to provide an in-depth guide to high-quality report writing in a range of contexts, including evaluations of older adults, psychiatric patients, those with complex medical conditions, schoolchildren, and ...
In this book, you will learn how to write in a convincing way for a variety of different audiences. Fundamentals covered include structure, graphic presentation, plagiarism and oral presentation.
It is sometimes a helpful expedient for the writer to discipline himself to start every recommendation ' It is ... The following excerpts from a railway accident report on a crash that occurred near Wembley Central Station in 19846 ...
This book teaches the concepts and tools behind reporting modern data analyses in a reproducible manner.
Illustrating each of the 'Four Pillars' of a well-written report--Clear, Concise, Complete, and Accurate--the book is packed with examples as well as stories from the authors' own experience, and exercises to improve report writing skills.
Guidelines for Report Writing is an excellent resource for one-semester introductory technical writing courses, and follow-up courses devoted exclusively to report-writing.
Michelle Reid. Cut unnecessary words Planning each section of your report before writing it will help you stay on track. However, you can only really make your report concise at the redrafting stage, once you have a more distanced, ...
Now in its 9th edition, this extensively revised and updated handbook explains how you can write reports that will be: * Read without unnecessary delay * Understood without undue effort Accepted, and where applicable, acted upon / Divided ...
The construction of the report should actually begin long before you sit down at the computer or with the tape recorder to write or dictate your report. The Child Clinician's Report-Writing Handbook can be used to organize your thoughts ...