EBOOK: Normalizing Challenging or Complex Childbirth

EBOOK: Normalizing Challenging or Complex Childbirth
McGraw-Hill Education (UK)
Karen Jackson, Helen Wightman


Complexity in childbirth is growing significantly due to several factors that include increasing maternal age, rising levels of obesity and related diabetes. Women labelled as moderate or high risk are often excluded from useful strategies that low risk women enjoy, such as using water immersion for labour, aromatherapy or mobilisation. They then can immediately follow a pathway of increased surveillance and interventions that may or may not be clinically indicated. This text offers expert guidance and specialist knowledge on the evidence for normalizing and humanizing complicated or challenging pregnancies, labours and birth. It covers a range of practice issues from multiple births to breech presentations, gestational diabetes to VBAC. Comprehensively written for midwifery students and those already in practice, it’s also useful for obstetricians and medical students who wish to provide more holistic maternity care and promote optimum childbirth. With case studies and helpful summaries of points for practice, this is the go-to text for those looking for up-to-date guidance on maximizing normal physiology and also normalizing or humanizing challenging or complex childbirth in midwifery practice. An essential read for today’s midwife. Includes a Foreword by Professor Soo Downe, University of Central Lancashire, UK. "Normalizing Challenging or Complex Childbirth, edited by Karen Jackson and Helen Wightman, provides an insightful and informative perspective on an array of midwifery issues pertinent to today’s society, including: obesity, VBAC and diabetes. Karen Jackson’s first chapter 'The concept of normality in the context of challenging or complex childbirth' sets the standard for additional eminent contributing authors; and they follow with an engaging exploration and explanation of the issues which is seamless in terms of application to practice and is supported by real life case studies and key practice points. This is a must read resource for midwives, students and educators." Janet Israel, Midwifery Lecturer, Cardiff University, UK "Normalizing Challenging or Complex Childbirth provides midwives and students with a refreshingly practical and sensitive approach to caring for women when pregnancy and birth bring additional physiological challenges. New and emerging evidence on important clinical scenarios is presented with great compassion in the context of contemporary midwifery care. This book will be an important resource to midwives wishing to provide individualised sensitive care to women facing the challenge of an unexpected, or complex, pregnancy path.” Julia Sanders, PhD Consultant Midwife and Reader in Midwifery, Cardiff University, UK

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