First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The book begins by tracing the first waves of critical scholarship in the field through a close, contextual study of the intellectual and political projects of several core figures including, Paulo Freire, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, ...
This book rectifies this omission and delivers a definitive contribution to the understanding of Habermas's oeuvre as it applies to the field.
By creating a clear and accessible bridge between data analysis and critical social theories, this book helps scholars and researchers effectively translate their research designs and findings to multiple audiences for more equitable ...
Brings together several scholars from both law and education to provide some clarity on the status and future directions of Critical Race Theory, answering key questions regarding the ''what' and ''how'' of the application of CRT to ...
This important volume brings together key writings from one of the most influential education scholars of our time. In this collection of her seminal essays on critical race theory (CRT),...
The sociology of education is a rich interdisciplinary field that studies schools as their own social world as well as their place within the larger society.
This collection brings together some of the most exciting and influential CRT in Education. CRT scholars examine the race-specific patterns of privilege and exclusion that go largely unremarked in mainstream debates.
Not surprisingly, most scholars strenuously object to the recent standardization trends, though some, such as Murray Ross (1994), also warn against taking the schools-as-prisons analogy too far by rejecting all attempts to judge the ...
Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics including repressive tolerance, online teaching, and adult education, this book is geared toward educators, administrators, academicians, and researchers seeking current research on ...