Pearson's square shows that we need to combine 1 pound (0.5 kg) of lay ration with 7 pounds (3.2 kg) of scratch to get a 9 percent cock maintenance ration. In the second example, 16 percent layer ration is combined with 31 percent cat ...
Originally published in hardcover in 2015 by Alfred A. Knopf.
The busy chickens of the beloved Busy Animals board book series are sure to cluck their way into your child's heart this spring! Busy chickens are squawking, perching, leaping, and more!
Rhyming text and photographs depict the activities of chickens, such as squawking, grooming, and perching. On board pages.
"The Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens makes it simple and easy to start keeping these surprisingly smart birds right in your backyard.
It's drinks, it's chickens: It's the cocktail book you didn't know you needed!
When four farmyard chickens begin to feel like they need to spread their wings a bit, they decide to go to the big farmhouse to check things out.
Warm, nostalgic illustrations capture the earthy feel of this book about a little girl's chicken who is stolen by a fox. Sonya raises her three chickens from the time they are tiny chicks. She feeds them, shelters them and loves them.
Henrietta loves to read.
Backyard Chickens 2.0 goes beyond introductory lessons to explore the realities of raising a flock for eggs and give expert advice to make sure your birds are happy, healthy, and productive.