Two days after the start of the 1941 invasion of Malaya, Captain Patrick Stanley Vaughan Heenan, a New Zealander serving in the Indian Army, was caught sending secret codes to the Japanese. The authorities ordered an immediate blackout of all information on his arrest, and the secrets he betrayed were ordered to be suppressed for 100 years. This book looks at these secrets and how they enabled the Japanese to win the air war and then dominate the campaign. It also looks at the reasons behind his behaviour and what caused his guards to become his executioners.
4 Donald McLachlan Intelligence : the common denominator / 1 I shall start by reminding you of one limitation I suffer from namely that my experience was very largely , but not exclusively naval . I will do my best to overcome that by ...
Turnbull succeeded in making the point that the two collaborators , Pincher and Wright , parted company on whether , in 1981 , there was a present problem of Russian penetration . Pincher thought there wasn't ; Wright thought there was ...
Eden was compelled to resign after sending the British army into Suez when the canal was nationalised by Egyptian leader Nasser in 1956. The move , made in tandem with the French , earned international rebuke . content himself with ...
The Chilcot Report noted the similarity between some of CURVEBALL's intelligence and The Rock, a 1996 Hollywood thriller starring Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage.46† The intelligence failure over Iraqi WMD has generated a literature many ...
The former assistant director of MI5 offers an account of British Intelligence, including his work on the Ring of Five and exposing Soviet espionage and the conspiracy to oust Harold Wilson from the office of Prime Minister in the 1970s
Amedeo, 262 Brennan, Earl, 146 Bridges, Harry, 108—9 British Chiefs of Staff, 123—4, 137 British Political Warfare Executive ... Charles I., 216 Dunn, Johnny ('Cockeye'), 106 Duquesne, Frederick J., 79—80, 81 East, Edward, 56 Eddy, Col.
The Spy's Guide to Counterintelligence
V SPYU H. KEITH MELTON Keith Melton is well - 55 Hristory and tradecraft . He's the author of four Jim WIESE im Wiese is not only a writer ( of over twenty children's science books ) , but he's also a teacher of secondary school math ...
een SPYOO UNIVERSITY The Spy's Guide to Undercover Communications Jim Wiese H.Keith Melton SPY EXPERT This One SCHOLASTIC INC . Use your red filter to read the message ( see. 1L86 - GEF - 850T NEW YORK TORONTO LONDON AUCKLAND SYDNEY ...
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