Suitable for the complete beginner or those looking to improve their game. Takes a step-by-step approach to the game and includes a glossary for quick reference.
A Guide to Learning and Understanding Contract Bridge Richard V. Smith ... DOUBLETON AND SINGLETON HONORS You will virtually never lead from a high card when it is in a doubleton or singleton such as : K 2 Q2 J 2 K QJ When you do ...
NORTH ( Mrs. Bennett ) 4 A 10 6 3 V 10 8 5 • 4 of A 9842 WEST ( Mr. Hoffman ) A Q 72 V AJ3 • AQ 10 92 of J 6 EAST ( Mrs. Hoffman ) 4 V Q 94 KJ 763 of Q 753 SOUTH ( Mr. Bennett ) A KJ 985 V K 762 • 8 5 of K 10 Neither side vulnerable .
Opening leads, signaling and discarding are all covered in this basic guide to a vitally important topic.
An expert guide to playing bridge at intermediate and advanced level, with world-class tips shown in 250 photographs and diagrams
Many players know little more about the finesse other than how to handle an A-Q combination. This book covers the more complex finessing situations, including double finesses, two-way finesses, and the intra-finesse.
Bridge Cardplay Made Easy
The Hidden Side of Bridge
Unholy Tricks: More Miraculous Card Play
Having Nun, Partner?
The squel to ... 25 bridge conventions you should know--Cover.