teach yourself Baby Signing will be the first comprehensive guide to signing with your baby to be produced by British authors. Unlike the many dictionaries on the market, it will provide both practical and background information on how signing to and with your young child can enhance your communication, emotional bond and their language/behavioural development in many different ways. Authored in conjunction with the UK's most respected courses, 'Sing and Sign', the book will offer firstly a full overview of the history and benefits of signing, before outlining the essential signs and moving on to more detailed communication with your baby. From bilingual to special needs children, and covering development right up to the learning of the alphabet and phonics for older children, this practical and informative manual will also feature a DVD, so you can practice and learn directly with your child at home.
Snow. The last time it snowed in Houston, Texas, was Christmas Eve 2004. Before that, I think 1989 was the last time it snowed in Houston. I may be wrong on that date, but either way, snow is a rather big deal in my neck of the woods.
Offers a program for parents to teach their infants and toddlers sign language, allowing babies the ability to express their wants and needs.
Sign Babies creator Nancy Cadjan brings years of expertise to Baby Signing 1-2-3, teaching you her unique and easy way of learning baby signing through rich illustrations.
In this newly expanded edition, a renowned baby-signing expert provides more than 300 American Sign Language (ASL) signs, illustrated with the same clear, easy-to-understand photos and descriptions.
Kids with special needs can also benefit greatly from this program. Featuring 400 signs, the book covers essential nouns such as milk, verbs such as eat, and descriptors such as more.
Sign Babies creator Nancy Cadjan brings years of expertise to Baby Signing 1-2-3, teaching you her unique and easy way of learning baby signing through rich illustrations.
This book is a must for anyone who has or is working with a little one.” —Sheila Dukas-Janakos, MPH, IBCLC, owner of Healthy Horizons Peninsula Breastfeeding Center
Kids with special needs can also benefit greatly from this program. Featuring 400 signs, the book covers essential nouns such as milk, verbs such as eat, and descriptors such as more.
And these are just a few of the thirteen signs inside this small and adorably illustrated board book, perfect for little hands and minds to grasp.