Complete OSCE Skills for Medical and Surgical Finals

Complete OSCE Skills for Medical and Surgical Finals
CRC Press
Kate Tatham, Kinesh Patel


The Objective Structured Clinical Examination, or OSCE, is a familiar and often daunting experience for medical students. Finally, a book has been written which provides the essential information needed to manage OSCE stations competently, and will help you to pass your medical and surgical finals. Over 150 topics are covered at the perfect level of detail for revision for finals; using bullet-pointed checklists and a short and succinct writing style, the authors cover the most important points to remember about the key conditions you're likely to encounter during OSCEs in 2-4 clear pages per condition. Complete OSCE Skills for Medical and Surgical Finals covers the entire undergraduate syllabus for clinical finals under the following headings: - History - Examination - Procedures - Emergency - Interpretations - Communication skills - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Paediatrics - Genitourinary medicine

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