This book is designed to help the candidate in preparation for the newly revised oral examination or OSCE, the concluding element required to pass the MRCS examination. Success requires a solid working knowledge and a well-rehearsed examination technique. A precise, structured and systematic routine is paramount. This technique, as outlined in this book, ensures key steps of the clinical examination are not accidentally omitted and under the pressure of the examination it provides the candidate with a starting point and framework for any case that one may encounter. Based on the highly successful Insider Medical MRCS Examination Clinical Course, this book facilitates the pathway for a novice clinician to pass this challenging examination. College-approved, systematic, coherent and well-rehearsed examination routine for all the main systems are included. As well as providing examination routines approved by many college examiners, the chapters also provide insider tips on how to pass the examination and identify mistakes commonly made by many candidates. OSCEs for the MRCS Part B prepares future surgeons for the challenges of clinical practice, through solid examination techniques and communication skills.
This is a fully updated edition of the hugely successful OSCEs for the MRCS Part B: A Bailey and Love Revision Guide.
Peripheral stigmata of gastrointestinal disease, such as koilonychia, angular cheilitis and glossitis (Plummer–Vinson syndrome), or features of the CREST syndrome □ Neck examination, noting the presence of any neck lumps (e.g. ...
Because the lymphatic plexus freely communicates across the midline, cancer of the tongue frequently metastasizes bilaterally. Is more common in patients with Plummer–Vinson syndrome Postcricoid tumours are more common in females.
Stone's Plastic Surgery Facts 4e provides a complete revision tool for the FRCS exit examination in plastic surgery.
The book assists readers in their preparation for examinations and to test their knowledge of the principles and practice of surgery as outlined within Bailey & Love.
The book assists trainee surgeons as they prepare for examinations and enables them to test their knowledge of the principles and practice of surgery as outlined in Bailey & Lo
Featuring a wealth of practice questions, MRCS Part A: 500 SBAs and EMQs allows trainees to test themselves on everything they need to know to pass the MRCS Part A exam.
Part A is usually comprised of multiple choice or extended matching questions (MCQ/EMQ) which test whether the candidate has adequate basic science knowledge. Part B involves vivas and objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) ...
In this introductory book on BaZi or Four Pillars of Destiny, Joey Yap ventures deep into the essence of Personality Analysis to foster a more accurate and informed understanding, beyond the conventional Chinese Astrology reading.
A guide to the core basic sciences - anatomy, physiology and pathology - which comprise the essential knowledge required by the trainee entering the specialty of surgery.