"This book should be a great help for parents of a child with any handicap."--Dr. Benjamin Spock
"I think parenting is probably the hardest job there is, if it is done well, and parenting a handicapped child takes immense dedication, energy, and self-knowledge. If even one of my suggestions makes your life easier or improves your child's life, then the time and energy I have put into this book will be rewarded many times over. Most of the parents of handicapped children seem to me extraordinary people, and the care and love they show their children are among the highest tributes to the human spirit."--Charlotte E. Thompson, MD
Practical, complete, reassuring advice on:
* Coping with tragedy: How to handle the sorrow, anger, and guilt of a devastating diagnosis or a progressive disease
* Heath care: How to find the best professional help; keep up with new treatments, medications, and research; and cope with the costs
* Education and development: How to select educational programs that are geared to specific disabilities and designed to fulfill your child's greatest potential in adolescence
* Family and friends: How parents can help themselves and each other, how to help siblings adjust, and what to tell well-meaning friends and relatives
* Fun for handicapped kids: A comprehensive guide to places that are accessible to handicapped children
"An accessible and sensitively written handbook."--Boston Herald
This book also introduces Ecotherapy, a type of therapy using nature as a form of healing. The Ecotherapy activities discussed in this book can be done continuously, cost-effectively, and in any nature setting.
Not just another resource on parenting. More than a book on autism. This important book is a must-have guide for any parent of a child with a disability as well...
... American Society for Reproductive Medicine 1209 Montgomery Highway Birmingham, AL 35216-2809 Phone: 205-978-5000 www.asrm.org Ducharme, Stanley H., and Gill, Kathleen M. Sexuality after Spinal Cord Injury: Answers to Your Questions.
–JERRY W. Robinson, APPLIED KEYBOARDING In our lives with our children there will be a procession of goals, some of them quite difficult: securing an appropriate school program; stabilizing their health; teaching them to dress ...
Hill, M. and Aldgate, J. (1996) 'The Children Act 1989 and recent developments in research in England and Wales', in M. Hill and J. Aldgate (eds) Child welfare services: Developments in law, policy, practice and research, ...
Parenting Matters identifies parenting knowledge, attitudes, and practices associated with positive developmental outcomes in children ages 0-8; universal/preventive and targeted strategies used in a variety of settings that have been ...
After the Tears: Parents Talk about Raising a Child with a Disability
Offering encouragement rooted in God's Word, this book will help you cling to Jesus and fight for joy when faced with a life you never expected.
A Difference in the Family: Life with a Disabled Child
Controversial Issues in a Disabling Society. Buckingham: Open University Press. Swain, J., Griffiths, C., & Heyman, B. (2003b). Towards a Social Model Approach to Counselling Disabled Clients. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling ...