Are you still stuck with the dysfunctional coping strategies you learned as a child? Adults who grew up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home often adopt behaviors to deal with the Chaos and neglect around them -- behaviors that no longer work for them as adults. Repressing spontaneity, over-controlling, reacting impulsively from fear, and rejecting our own playfulness are just some the coping mechanisms that become obsolete and destructive when carried into adult life. Author Megan LeBoutillier grew up in an alcoholic home, and in Little Miss Perfect she shows how any Adult Child can move from the of helpless victim into a healthier, empowered stance of independence and self-love. Her guide to self-healing offers hands-on exercises that include: -- Journal writing -- Special stress management for ACOAs -- Dream work -- Body awareness -- Affirmations and Visualizations Filled with these and other recovery tools and insights, Little Miss Perfect is a compassionate handbook for recovering people who are ready to refashion the world of the past to suit their present needs.
Twelve Steps for Adult Children Veronica Ray. Night Light , by Amy E. Dean Worthy of Love , by Karen Casey ( illustrations by David Spohn ) Today's Gift APPENDIX C The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous * 1. Appendix B 133 APPENDIX C.
During a visit to Venice, Professor David Ullman--one of the world's leading authorities on demonic literature--witnesses a terror in a tiny attic room.
This is the official ACA Fellowship Text that is Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization (ACA WSO) Conference Approved Literature.
"Unmarked Escape Routes is a soul-searching portrayal of a kid who grows up, climbs the wall of her past, and looks back on it with forgiveness and freedom"--Back cover
Is your partner an adult child of an alcoholic (ACOA)?
Describes the devastating effects prolonged exposure to alcoholism can have on a developing child and the steps that must be taken to reverse these effects
"We can find hope from those who have walked this path before us. As we begin to heal from our losses, we in turn offer this same hope to others.
This is the companion workbook to the official ACA Fellowship Text that is Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization (ACA WSO) Conference Approved Literature.
The 12 Steps for Adult Children: From Addictive and Other Dysfunctional Families
The 12 Steps: A Way Out: A Working Guide for Adult Children of Alcoholic and Other Dysfunctional...