Certain that the face she has seen on a news broadcast from Rome is that of her dead lover, English aristocrat Charles Devereaux, television war correspondent Nicky Wells embarks on a quest to discover the truth. Reissue.
"Remember, my child, no matter what they do, don't let them make you hateful and bitter, don't let them destroy you.
A Night To Remember From the first distress flares to the struggles of those left adrift for hours in freezing waters, here is the legendary disaster relived by the few who survived and can never forget the many who did not.
Sometimes remembering is hard to do! But in this lyrical tale, Ellie Holcomb celebrates creation’s reminders of God’s love, which surrounds us from sunrise to sunset, even on our most forgetful of days.
I'll swing bythe station and see if Vince isup to dining at Chez McDonald's. I'm as closeas the phone, you know, if anything else pops to the surface and you wantto vent.” “I know.” Laine shuffled papers until Jenny gathered her things ...
Laine Tavish owns Remember When, an antiques and gift shop in the small town of Angel's Gap.
Longtime commodities trader Raymond J. Learsy lifts the veil of the Mideast oil cartel, showing how OPEC manipulates the oil markets and destabilizes the world's economy. With refreshing candor and...
Praise for Always Remember: "Without mentioning a deity or religion, the text discusses how people remember those who have died and how their lives live on beyond them. Understated, unsentimental, and gently done.
With a NOVEL LEARNING SERIES(TM) Student Guide · Questions about the text after every few chapters check your comprehension · Quizzes throughout help you prepare for standardized tests with SAT- and ACT-style questions using vocabulary ...
Do You Remember? uncovers secrets of an entire generation, the cultural glue that held it all together. Share it and realize that you weren't the only one caught in a yearbook photo wearing a puka shell necklace. Do you remember?
Archival photographs paired with fictional text depicting thoughts and emotions of students who lived through school desegregation capture the spirit, sadness, and struggle of the time.