The Civil War Trilogy: God and Generals - The Killer Angels - The Last Full Measure

The Civil War Trilogy: God and Generals - The Killer Angels - The Last Full Measure
Ballantine Books
Jeff Shaara, Michael Shaara


Michael Shaara reinvented the war novel with his Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece of Gettysburg, The Killer Angels. Jeff Shaara continued his father's legacy with a series of centuries-spanning New York Times bestsellers. This volume assembles three Civil War novels from America's first family of military fiction: Gods and Generals, The Killer Angels, and The Last Full Measure. Gods and Generals traces the lives, passions, and careers of the great military leaders--Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Winfield Scott Hancock, Joshua Chamberlain--from the gathering clouds of war. The Killer Angels re-creates the fight for America's destiny in the Battle of Gettysburg, the four most bloody and courageous days of our nation's history. And The Last Full Measure brings to life the final two years of the Civil War, chasing the escalating conflict between Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant--complicated, heroic, and deeply troubled men--through to its riveting conclusion at Appomattox. Praise for Michael Shaara and Jeff Shaara's Civil War trilogy "Brilliant does not even begin to describe the Shaara gift."--The Atlanta Journal-Constitution "Shaara's beautifully sensitive novel delves deeply in the empathetic realm of psycho-history, where enemies do not exist--just mortal men forced to make crucial decisions and survive on the same battlefield."--San Francisco Chronicle, on Gods and Generals "Remarkable . . . a book that changed my life . . . I had never visited Gettysburg, knew almost nothing about that battle before I read the book, but here it all came alive."--Ken Burns, on The Killer Angels "The Last Full Measure is more than another historical novel. It is rooted in history, but its strength is the element of humanity flowing through its characters. . . . The book is compelling, easy to read, well researched and written, and thought-provoking. . . . In short, it is everything that a reader could ask for."--Chicago Tribune

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