Creating Abundance with Feng Shui

Creating Abundance with Feng Shui
Self-Help / Motivational & Inspirational
Ballantine Publishing Group
Lillian Too


"There's no limit to the great good fortune feng shui can bring into our lives. . . . It always works when you get it right."

Every room in your house and every cell in your body has its own intrinsic energy--the fundamental energy of the living earth. The Chinese call it chi, and the ancient art and science of attracting chi into our personal environment they call feng shui. Now, in this practical, step-by-step guide, Lillian Too--one of the world's most respected practitioners of feng shui-- demonstrates how you can transform every aspect of your life, including

- Relationships: Exercises and interior arrangements to enhance your yang energy--and activate the energies of love and marriage
- Family life: Protecting the breadwinner, promoting conception, energizing your children's good fortune
- Health: Yin-yang bedroom therapy to promote the powerful healing benefits of sheng chi--and ward off disease
- Recognition: Attracting the luck of good reputation, deflecting the negative energy of deadly shar chi
- Personal growth and self-image: Bolstering your personal chi through chi kung exercises, crystals, and the potent Pa Kua Lo Shu compass formula
- Success: Creating an auspicious front door, a lucky bedroom, a prosperous office, a good-fortune desk, and a good bottom line

This comprehensive guide--filled with hundreds of proven formulas and strategies as well as helpful meditations and mantras--makes feng shui easy and fun. The seeds of good fortune will root and bear fruit more quickly than you think.

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