Lists every character, event, and place in all of Tolkien's books set in Middle-Earth, incorporating detailed references to "The Silmarillion," which the author considered his most important work.
First published in 1976, this edition has been fully revised and updated for a new century of Tolkien lovers.
An illuminating guide to Middle-earth and the man who created it.
In the decades since his death in September 1973, millions have read THE HOBBIT, THE LORD OF THE RINGS, and THE SILMARILLION and become fascinated about the very private man behind the books.
From 'The hobbit' to 'The Silmarillion'
It is well known that J.R.R. Tolkien published The Hobbit in 1937 and The Lord of the Rings in 1954-5.
Explains the fourteen different languages and assorted alphabets of Middle-earth, translates Elvish poetry, war slogans, and sayings, and features a complete dictionary of non-English words in the Middle-earth classics
As the author says in his introduction to the book, this is not an encyclopedia or quick guide to all the diverse beings, languages, and history that make up Tolkien's Middle-earth. Nor is it a set of plot outlines for the novels.
Sections alphabetically list facts about the history, geography, sociology, natural history, and biography of Tolkien's imaginary world
The Battle has begun, are you ready? ·Detailed walkthrough of every mission, including optional battles ·Complete statistics, upgrade potential, and strengths/weaknesses of all units and buildings ·Full stats of all special hero ...
Combining concept work produced for films, existing Middle-earth art and dozens of new paintings and sketches exclusive to this book, A Middle-earth Traveller will take the reader on a unique and unforgettable journey across Tolkien's ...