Now in its twentieth edition, a concise guide to the video and DVD market provides in the most recent year's edition more than 400 new entries, a star-based rating system, cast and director indexes, an Academy Award winner list, and more than 18,000 reviews. Simultaneous. 45,000 first printing.
Apple had a player to play movies , but didn't release a platform for developers to directly access DVD - Video features . No interest in bundling : In the heyday of CD multimedia it was almost de rigueur that new PCs come with a pile ...
Based on Robert Bloch's novelization of an actual murder , Leigh plays a fleeing thief who stops at the secluded Bates Motel , where she meets Norman Bates ( Perkins ) and her death in CAST : Anthony Perkins , Janet Leigh , Vera Miles ...
He played Captain Peter Taggart on a now - defunct , cheesy sci - fi series called Galaxy Quest , and now he and his ... But real - life aliens have seen the TV show broadcast through space , and believe Taggart's heroics to be real .
'83 National Lampoon's Class Reunion '82 Silent Rage '82 Peter Best Doing Time for Patsy Cline '97 Country Life '95 Muriel's Wedding '94 Crocodile Dundee 2 '88 High Tide '87 Crocodile Dundee '86 Sound of Love '78 Harry Betts Cheech and ...
This book helps students develop an intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics by emphasizing the physics, and by supplying figures, numerous photographs and visual aids to reinforce the physics.
VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever 2017
Each entry includes title, alternate title, one- to four-bone rating, year released, MPAA rating, brief review, length, format, country of origin, cast, technical personnel, awards, and made-for-television/cable/video designations.
Reviews movies that are available on DVD or tape.