A handy guide with easy tips and tricks for encouraging a child to learn to read includes information on the best read-aloud books to develop sound awareness, tips for building oral language and vocabulary, great gift ideas for growing kids, and the warning signs of a learning disability. Original.
This important book sheds light on family literacy practices that consider-and celebrate-students' complex and diverse home lives.
Every Child Ready to Learn
Based on the groundbreaking research of VIEWS2—the first systematic study of storytimes done to date—this book recommends simple interactive ways to emphasize early literacy techniques and encourage children to use and practice their ...
This book will be valuable for readers from all those professions that engage with young people and families and with the development of literacy, including librarians; teachers; service managers; consultants and other professional ...
Provides simple, step-by-step instructions for teaching a slug how to read, including using Mother Slug rhymes, helping your slug sound out words, and making vocabulary lists.
Recognizing that informed, caring adults are critical to supporting early literacy development, Storytimes for Everyone! builds on the concepts introduced in the second edition of the Every Child Ready to Read® initiative to offer ...
Singer, Dorothy g., Roberta golinkoff, and Kathy hirsch-Pasek, eds. Play = Learning: How Play Motivates and Enhances Children's Cognitive and Social Emotional Growth. New york: Oxford University Press, 2006. Smith, Peter K., and Craig ...
This research-based, send-home literacy program comes with 60 reproducible poems and activities that can help young children develop their reading fluency, word recognition, and overall comprehension.
In addition to their own blend of passionate and compassionate diva dialogue, the four writers quote devoted pet owners, clergy, friends, family, and even those who just aren’t “pet people.” From the variety of perspectives and ...
"This book offers a unique interpretation of traditional workshop instruction by showing teachers how to integrate their separate reading and writing workshops into one 'literacy workshop' (periodically and as dictated by student needs) ...