When the ruthless Chancellor Palpatine issues his nefarious Order 66, which calls for the extermination of the Jedi, the members of the Omega and Delta squads are faced with a desperate choice between the Order and their loyalty to their Jedi allies.
The Clone Wars rage to their bloody climax. Treachery reigns. Treason takes courage. Commandos, Jedi, and the entire Galactic Republic must face the end of life as they know it, and the dreaded dawn of a new empire.
... feigning boredom, and everyone around laughed. “Yeah, quiet.” Fixer pried open an ammo crate with his gauntlet vibroblade and rummaged through the contents. “Regular spa retreat.” He tutted loudly. “De-skilling, that's what this is.
In this gripping sequel to Star Wars: The Rising Storm, the light of the Jedi faces its darkest hour.
Star Wars: Kanan Vol. 1 - The Last Padawan
Experience the Star Wars saga reimagined as an Elizabethan drama penned by William Shakespeare himself, complete with authentic meter and verse, and theatrical monologues and dialogue by everyone from Bail Organa to Count Dooku.
Mit Republic Commando konnte LucasArts das Star Wars Universum auch im Videogame- und Romansektor auf einen beachtlichen Erfolgskurs bringen und mit Order 66 wird die Roman-Saga um die Elite der Klonkrieger fortgesetzt.
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
Award-winning author Patricia C. Wrede tells the final chapter of the Star Wars saga, in this incredible novel based on one of the most eagerly awaited movies of all time.
Fans have long wondered what happened to Ahsoka after she left the Jedi Order near the end of the Clone Wars, and before she re-appeared as the mysterious Rebel operative Fulcrum in Rebels.
Welcome to Baltimore, 1966, a quiet Eastern city of row houses, blue-collar neighborhoods, and burgeoning suburbs, a place as yet untouched by the upheavals of 1960's America. A place where...