How to Be a Calm Parent: Lose the Guilt, Control Your Anger and Tame the Stress - for More Peaceful...

How to Be a Calm Parent: Lose the Guilt, Control Your Anger and Tame the Stress - for More Peaceful...
Piatkus Books
Sarah Ockwell-Smith


How to Be a Calm Parent is part self-help book, part parenting book; aimed at parents who know that they need to be calmer to raise well adjusted, happy children, but who struggle with their own emotions and stress levels. How to Be a Calm Parent will include twelve chapters, each with important takeaway messages and exercises for parents to practice, to make a real and tangible change in their parenting. Topics the book will cover include: *Understanding your triggers and making peace with your own childhood. *Why it's OK to be 'good enough' and why you should embrace your own failures. *Guilt and why it gets in our way of better parenting *The mental load of parenting - why we need to understand the pressure and share it more. *Why 'busy' is not a badge to aim for *Communicating with partners and wider family - why your adult relationships impact those with your child. *Why all parents need a support network (and how to let them go if you find yourself in one that's not for you). *Balancing work and home life *How to tackle life transitions with grace and ease. *The four physiological corners of calmer parenting - eating well, sleeping well, moving well and resting well. *Self-kindness - why the pressure of self-care can be so damaging and why we need a new approach. *How to not throw your own tantrums and what to do if you do.

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