The text is also now supported by MindTap, the most engaging and customizable online solution in nutrition that combines readings, multimedia, assessments, activities, and access to Diet & Wellness Plus.
NUTRITION: YOUR LIFE SCIENCE, Second Edition, helps you understand the fundamental principles of nutritional science though an interactive, flexible, and fun learning experience that partners a modular print text with online lessons and ...
Nutritional Sciences + Diet and Wellness Plus, 1-term, 6 Months Printed Access Card, 1st Ed.: From Fundamentals to Food
Now in its 14th Edition, this book maintains the quality and support that discerning readers demand in nutrition applications and science that are ideal at introductory levels.
Each chapter in this text relates nutrition science directly to the students so they can understand and apply the information to their own lives.
The text is also now supported by MindTap, the most engaging and customizable online solution in nutrition that combines readings, multimedia, assessments, activities, and access to Diet & Wellness Plus.
Students save money by purchasing this bundle which includes PERSONAL NUTRITION, 10th Edition, with access to MindTap Nutrition.
Now in its 14th Edition, this book maintains the quality and support that discerning readers demand in nutrition applications and science that are ideal at introductory levels.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
From its stunningly restyled and refined art program to the market-leading resources that accompany this text, UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION connects with its readers and continues to set the standards for texts used in the course.