Based on content required by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT TODAY: BUSINESS IN ITS ETHICAL, REGULATORY, E-COMMERCE, AND GLOBAL SETTING, 8e equips you with working knowledge of business-related laws while strengthening the critical reasoning skills you need to interpret and apply them. Coverage includes the latest on cyber law, social media, privacy, corporate responsibility, financial and credit card reforms, health-care laws, and much more. Using carefully selected cases, the text helps you identify and resolve legal issues you may encounter in the business world. Hypothetical situations and exercises, ethical discussions, and international considerations give you further insight into how business law applies to your everyday life and future career. In addition, exam preparation sections in the text and online access to interactive flash cards, quizzing, and other tools help maximize your course success.
In addition, exam preparation sections in the text and online access to interactive flash cards, quizzing, and other tools help maximize your course success.
The book also explores how traditional law has been applied to issues involving the Internet and how the laws of other nations deal with topics discussed in the text.
Using summarized cases from 2013 and 2014 legal decisions, the text challenges students to analyze and resolve legal issues facing today's businesses.
The Lgal Environment Today, provides the reader with a colorful, lively introduction to the legal environment of business. This highly visual text builds a solid base of legal knowledge, while...
The book also explores how traditional law has been applied to issues involving the Internet and how the laws of other nations deal with topics discussed in the text.
Legal Environment Today Build Skills You Will Need Tomrw
Get your money's worth with ESSENTIALS OF THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT! This affordable text offers complete one-semester coverage of business law and its environment in a non-technical, straightforward, and engaging style.
This popular text effectively combines a traditional case focus with clear and concise coverage of a wide range of up-to-date topics. Students are introduced to the impact of the law...
This edition makes ethics a priority with a new framework -- the IDDR Approach -- for making ethical decisions.
The Legal Environment Today: Business in Its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and International Setting