Interested in making your skills future-ready and recession-proof? Guffey/Loewy's best-selling BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: PROCESS AND PRODUCT, 10E, can help. This award-winning book with the latest content guides you in developing communication competencies most important for professional success in today's hyper-connected digital age. Refine the skills that employers value most, such as superior writing, speaking, presentation, critical thinking and teamwork skills. Two updated employment chapters offer tips for a labor market that is more competitive, mobile and technology-driven than ever before. Based on interviews with successful practitioners and extensive research into the latest trends, technologies and practices, this edition offers synthesized advice on building your personal brand, using LinkedIn effectively and resume writing. A signature 3-x-3 writing process, meaningful assignments and focused practice further equip you with the communication skills to stand out in business today. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Business Communication P & P Brief
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Retrieved from 8 Marquardt, K. (2008, February 21).5 tips on finding a new job. U.S. News & World Report. ... Retrieved from 10 Ryan, L. (2007).
Business Communication: Process & Product
Your students save money by purchasing this bundle which includes Guffey/Loewy s Business Communication: Process & Product, Loose-Leaf Version, 9th Edition, with access to MindTap.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Technical Communication:...
With the book's 3 x 3 writing process, coverage of recent trends and technologies in business communication, and an unmatched ancillary package, you and your students will find that teaching--and learning--business communication can be ...
Business Communication: Process & Product + MindTap Business Communication, 1 Term 6 Months Printed Access Card for Guffey/Loewy's Business Communication
The learning content is also closely aligned to the Level 3 S/NVQ in Management. The series consists of 35 workbooks. Each book will map on to a course unit (35 books/units).
Business Communication for Success