Now you can master the principles of macroeconomics with the help of the most popular introductory book in economics trusted by students of economics worldwide -- Mankiw’s PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS, 9E. Using a clear, inviting writing style, this book emphasizes only material that helps you better understand the world and economy in which you live. You learn to become a more astute participant in today's economy with a strong understanding of both the potential and limits of economic policy. The latest, relevant examples throughout this edition bring today's macroeconomic principles to life, as acclaimed author Gregory Mankiw explains, I tried to put myself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time. My goal is to emphasize the material that readers find interesting about the study of the economy. Real scenarios, useful economic facts, and clear explanations demonstrate how macroeconomic concepts play a role in the decisions you make every day. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Principles of Microeconomics 2e (2nd edition) covers the scope and sequence of most introductory microeconomics courses. The text includes many current examples, which are handled in a politically equitable way.
This book also explains the role of the government in guiding the economy along the path of stable prices, low unemployment, sustainable growth, and planned development through many India-centric examples.
Because Mankiw wrote it for the students, the book stands out among all other principles texts by intriguing students to apply an economic way of thinking in their daily lives.
" To help you further master the key principles of macroeconomics in this edition, powerful student-focused digital resources are available in the leading MindTap digital learning and homework solution"--
Inspired by Economics: How We Live, economist Victor Fuchs’s 1983 National Book Award winner, the text provides an economic framework for exploring the wide array of choices that span a person’s life cycle.
Only this text, however, gives those topics serious attention, with complete chapters on imperfect information in product markets, imperfections in labor markets, technological change, and environmental externalities, as well as a complete ...
The new edition of a textbook introducing the fundamental concepts and methods of macroeconomics.
This book deliberately avoids an encyclopedic approach. The text is selective rather than exhaustive in its methodology. It adopts a slightly more analytical perspective to the study of economics, which...
This engaging text continues to set the standard for clear, balanced, and thorough coverage of the principles of economics.
The second edition was developed with significant feedback from current users. In nearly all chapters, it follows the same basic structure of the first edition.