Gain a thorough understanding of today's individual income tax concepts and current tax law with SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2021: INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAXES, 44E. This reader-friendly presentation emphasizes the latest tax law affecting individual taxpayers, including the most recent tax changes and reforms. Complete coverage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 offers related guidance from the Treasury Department. This book's distinctive Framework 1040 demonstrates both how topics relate to one another and to the Form 1040. Clear examples, frequent summaries and memorable tax scenarios further clarify concepts and help you sharpen critical-thinking, writing and research skills. Learn how taxes impact you personally with the most thorough coverage of individual income taxation today. You can even use this edition to prepare for the C.P.A. exam or Enrolled Agent exam or to begin study for a career in tax accounting, financial reporting or auditing. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
LO.2 Rex, age 55, is an officer of Blue Company, which provides him with the following nondiscriminatory fringe benefits in 2021: • Hospitalization insurance premiums for Rex and his dependents. The cost of the coverage for Rex is ...
William A. Raabe, Ph.D., CPA, was the Wisconsin Distinguished Professor of Taxation. He taught at Ohio State, Arizona State, the Capital University (OH) Law School, and the Universities of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and Whitewater.
This 2014 edition reflects the very latest tax legislation, as of publication. Online updates become available as soon as relevant tax law changes take effect to ensure you remain ahead with today's most current coverage.
Duffy held the stock for 40 days in year 2 before selling the entire 50% interest to an unrelated third party. Duffy's basis for the stock was $10,000. Duffy was a full-time employee of Fox until the stock was sold.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This complete, understandable book provides today's most effective solution for understanding individual taxation, C corporations, taxes on financial statements and flow-through entities.
Extensive examples, summaries and meaningful tax scenarios clarify concepts and sharpen critical-thinking, writing and research skills. The book's framework effectively demonstrates how topics relate to one another and to the big picture.
Trust this edition for the most thorough coverage of individual income taxation available today. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This important guide: Explains the new valuation aspects now required by SFAS No. 157 Presents the new definition of fair value and certain empirical research Distinguishes fair value from fair market value Provides a case study that ...