This updated 12th Edition of UNDERSTANDING NORMAL AND CLINICAL NUTRITION presents the fundamentals of nutrition and nutrition therapy along with their practical applications to daily life and clinical settings. Starting with normal nutrition, the authors introduce nutrients and their physiological impacts, as well as nutritional guidelines for good health and disease prevention. Coverage of clinical nutrition includes the latest information on pathophysiology and dietary changes for treating a variety of medical conditions, from obesity and pregnancy to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and HIV. Known for a consistent and student-friendly narrative, the book includes systematic “How To” discussions, clinical case studies, review questions, and in-depth “Highlight” sections to help students master key topics, Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Cover title: Understanding normal & clinical nutrition.
Abstract: A comprehensive reference text for college nutrition students, dietitians, clinical nutritionists, and other health professionals presents detailed, authoritative, colorfully-illustrated material on a variety of practical areas involving interactions between...
The text integrates practical information and valuable resources to help students apply nutrition knowledge and skills to their daily lives and the clinical setting.
Packed with practical information and resources, this text is designed to help you understand and apply nutrition concepts to your daily life as well as to clinical settings.
From its stunningly restyled and refined art program to the market-leading resources that accompany this text, UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION connects with its readers and continues to set the standards for texts used in the course.
I. E. Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition
Corinne Balog Cataldo, Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes ... Lori Turner , Melaney Jones , and Margaret Hedley for preparing the Instructor's Manual ; and Lori Turner and Jana Kicklighter for preparing the Student Study Guide .
Instructor's Manual and Test Bank to Accompany Understanding Normal & Clinical Nutrition, 4th Edition [by] Eleanor Noss Whitney, Corinne Balog...
Would the cost be offset by reduced illness in this population? This book addresses these questions, provides recommendations for nutrition services for the elderly, and considers how the coverage policy should be approached and practiced.