Taking an interdisciplinary approach in its comprehensive coverage of current drug issues, Maisto/Galizio/Connors' DRUG USE AND MISUSE, 9th Edition, weaves historical, social, psychological, cultural, biological and medical perspectives as it emphasizes the idea that a drug's effects depend not only on its properties, but also on the psychological and biological characteristics of its user. Thoroughly updated with the latest research, emerging social trends and legal changes, the new edition includes the most current survey data available on patterns of drug use in the U.S. and other countries as well as the most recent data available from the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality and the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (SAMHSA). Timely end-of-chapter essays and critical thinking questions help you focus on the real-world application of chapter concepts. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
An advertisement from another coca product, Metcalf's Wine of Coca, again illustrates how cocaine became so popular: Public Speakers, Singers, and Actors have found wine of coca to be a valuable tonic to the vocal cords.
Sets out clear recommendations, based on the best available evidence, for healthcare staff on how to work with people who misuse drugs (specifically opioids, stimulants and cannabis) to significantly improve their treatment and care.
... 26 Williams, A. F., 134 Williams, C. L., 199, 200, 285, 286 Williams, S. H., 229 Wills, T. A., 62, 100, 110, 119, 154, 162, 181 Wilsnack, R. W., 116, 117 Wilsnack, S. C., 116, 117 Wilson, B., 211, 249 Wilson, D. B., 153 Wilson, T., ...
A guide to the techniques and analysis of clinical data. Each of the seventeen sections begins with a drawing and biographical sketch of a seminal contributor to the discipline. After...
"This book takes an integrative approach to the understanding of drug use and its relationship to social-cultural factors.
The user-perspective of this book is balanced by the professional viewpoint on the same issues. It offers a unique source of data for researchers and fresh inspiration for practitioners working in the field.
All across the United States, individuals, families, communities, and health care systems are struggling to cope with substance use, misuse, and substance use disorders.
The three volumes in this series address new research and challenges, offering comprehensive coverage on the adverse consequences of the most common drugs of abuse, with each volume serving to update the reader’s knowledge on the broader ...
In this book, Murphy brings together a team of international experts to review cutting-edge scientific literature from the field of psychobiology and related disciplines which addresses important questions and broadens our understanding of ...
The text draws from the disciplines of history, law, pharmacology, political science, social work, counseling, psychology, sociology, and criminal justice -- resulting in the most comprehensive, authoritative single source available.