Using a reader-friendly style and straightforward, interesting approach, SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A LOGISTICS PERSPECTIVE, 11E blends logistics theory with practical applications. The latest content highlights emerging issues, technology developments, and global changes in the constantly evolving field of supply chain management today. This digital edition examines today's real companies and how public and private organizations are responding to the continual pressure to modernize and transform their supply chains. Updated features and short cases offer hands-on managerial experience as you examine the key decisions and circumstances that supply chain managers face daily. New profiles introduce each chapter with real organizations, people, or events that emphasize the relevance of what you are learning. Technology-focused features and global content examine key areas where change is occurring and provide a meaningful perspective on how today's changes impact current and future supply chains.
This book takes you inside the supply chain to show you what you need to know.
Effectively managing all the connected pieces of a supply chain is essential. This book helps you see your business as a unified system where all the elements need to be aligned for success.
For undergraduate or MBA courses in Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management: From Vision to Implementation takes a strategic, managerial, and cross-functional view of supply chain management,...
Miller , K. D. , & Leiblein , M. J. ( 1996 ) . Corporate risk - return relations : Returns variability versus ... Miller , William L. ( 1995 ) . A broader mission for R & D : Part one . ... Moeller , Michael . ( 1999 , August 16 ) .
The UK’s bestselling book on logistics and supply chain management – over 100,000 copies sold.
The text includes critical developments from the field, such as cases from emerging healthcare and service industries, procure-to-pay redesign, supply risk, innovation, sustainability, collaboration, and much more.
This is today's indispensable introduction to supply chain management for today's students and tomorrow's managers – not yesterday's!
... Kenney explains: seasonal products, such as snowblowers and lawn mowers; fast-moving, perennial best sellers that have to be replenished rapidly, like home improvement products; and slower moving products that need to be moved to ...
both published by Pearson. Dr. Taylor has published over 80 articles in such journals as Operations Research, Management Science, Decision Sciences, IIE Transactions, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Computers and Operations ...
Supply Chain Management