Written by meteorologists C. Donald Ahrens and Robert Henson and grounded in the scientific method, METEOROLOGY TODAY: AN INTRODUCTION TO WEATHER, CLIMATE, AND THE ENVIRONMENT shows you how to observe, calculate and synthesize weather information as a scientist. Packed with engaging visuals, the 13th edition offers the latest information on climate change, ozone depletion, air quality, El Nino and other key topics as well as discussions of recent high-profile weather events, including droughts, heat waves, tornado outbreaks and hurricanes. Focus On boxes help you delve deeper into meteorological observation methods, environmental issues and more, while Weather Watch boxes highlight interesting weather facts and meteorological events. In addition, case studies give you direct access to academic and newsworthy papers on recent developments and meteorological trends. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
METEOROLOGY TODAY has for many years been one of the most widely used and authoritative texts for the introductory meteorology course. Each edition is extensively reviewed by leading researchers in...
Meteorology Today, Second Canadian Edition, combines the latest in Canadian weather, climate, and Earth science research to introduce students to the atmosphere.
This edition features many new sections, providing a comprehensive and completely up-to-date review of meteorology.
The workbook/study guide includes chapter summaries, important concepts, and a series of self-tests, utilizing true/false, multiple choice, and essay type questions and answers.
Cengage Learning's METEOROLOGY TODAY brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools along with market leading text content for introductory meteorology courses.
Includes chapter overviews, self-tests with answers, discussion of key concepts, and other resources.
Includes chapter overviews, self-tests with answers, discussion of key concepts, and other resources.
Instructor's Manual with Test Bank to Accompany Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate and the Environment. Manual
Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate and the Environment, International Edition
Meteorology Today