American Corrections

American Corrections
American Corrections
Cengage Learning
Todd R. Clear, Michael D. Reisig, George F. Cole


Learn more about the dynamics of today's correctional system in the U.S. with the fascinating, current content and balanced approach in Clear/Reisig/Cole's market-leading AMERICAN CORRECTIONS, 13E. Engaging discussions, actual cases with familiar names and first-hand insights from those in the system immediately grab your interest, while career overviews point to rewarding opportunities in the field. You examine the latest facts and figures as well as new developments and trends impacting correctional policy and practice in the U.S., such as COVID-19 and the rising use of methamphetamines and opioids. Vivid, in-depth accounts emphasize the relevance of what you're learning and dispel common myths. The authors provide an unbiased treatment of institutional and community sanctions as this well-rounded introduction examines the U.S. correctional system from the perspectives of both the corrections worker and the accused person. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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