Master the most important areas of today's tax law with Whittenburg/Altus-Buller/Gill's best-selling INCOME TAX FUNDAMENTALS 2022. This concise, practical introduction to tax preparation uses a unique, step-by-step workbook format that integrates actual tax forms. You learn the complexities of the U.S. income tax code as this edition's clear, up-to-date presentation walks you through real, current examples using the most recent tax forms. A variety of end-of-chapter problems and online exercises offers hands-on practice with tax return problems that use source documents identical to those of real clients. Professional Intuit ProConnectTM tax preparation software also accompanies each new book. In addition, numerous study tools and powerful online resources, including the CNOWv2 online homework tool, help you further refine your knowledge and practical skills to become a successful tax preparer today. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
You learn the complexities of the U.S. income tax code as this edition's clear, up-to-date presentation walks you through real, current examples using the most recent tax forms.
You learn the complexities of the U.S. income tax code as this edition's clear, up-to-date presentation walks you through the most recent tax laws, revisions and changes.
A concise, practical guide to personal federal income tax form preparation. The text/workbook format presents material in easy-to-digest sections with multiple examples, cases, and review problems. Perfect for a hands-on approach to taxes!
This concise guide focuses on the most recent tax laws impacting individuals, corporations, partnerships, estates, trusts and financial statements.
Income Tax Fundamentals
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
You learn the complexities of the U.S. income tax code as this edition's clear, up-to-date presentation walks you through the most recent tax laws, revisions and changes.
Fundamentals of Taxation 2022 Edition
Master today's tax concepts and current tax law with SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2022: COMPREHENSIVE, 45E and accompanying professional tax software.
Income Tax Fundamentals 2024, Loose-Leaf Version