This popular, topically organized, and thoroughly updated child and adolescent development text presents you with the best theories, research, and practical advice that developmentalists have to offer today. Authors David R. Shaffer and Katherine Kipp provide you with a current and comprehensive overview of child and adolescent development, written in clear, concise language that talks 'to' you rather than 'at' you. The authors also focus on application showing how theories and research apply to real-life settings. As a result, you will gain an understanding of developmental principles that will help you in your roles as parents, teachers, nurses, day-care workers, pediatricians, psychologists, or in any other capacity by which you may one day influence the lives of developing persons. Available with InfoTrac© Student Collections
Students who read this text will get a clear sense of the range and excitement of the field." —Paul Harris, Victor S. Thomas Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education An Introduction to Developmental Psychology, Third ...
Always reflective of the latest research and thinking in the field, Patricia Miller’s acclaimed text offers an ideal way to help students understand and distinguish the major theoretical schools of child development.
They all have different expectations and can, yet, all deal with the same objective. Communication and building relationships seem to be vital – this book aims to support this quest by moving from the universal to the particular.
Revisiting the Classic Studies in Developmental Psychology traces 14 ground-breaking studies by researchers such as Harlow, Meltzoff & Moore, Kohlberg and Bandura to re-examine and reflect on their findings and engage in a lively discussion ...
Development is as much a process of acquiring culture as it is of biological growth. This book reviews the history of developmental psychology with respect to both its nature and the effects of transmission of culture.
Covering core topics such as the development of attachment, social relations, cognitive and language development and social and cultural contexts of development, this introductory text addresses the core knowledge domain of developmental ...
The implication of Gibson's theory for infancy is that perceptual systems have evolved to put the infant in direct contact with the real world from the outset. The theoretical implication is that babies may be able to perceive the world ...
This textbook is accompanied by a CD-ROM of instructor resources which is free of charge to university departments that adopt this book as their text.
This book will assist readers in meeting this critical goal. Developmental Psychology for Family Law Professionals serves as a practical application of developmental theory to the practice of family law.
How has it evolved historically? What are its current challenges? The chapters in this collection present the view that research, history and policy are essential and interlocking components of a mature developmental psychology.