Did you know that your answers to just a handful of questions can predict the zip code of where you grew up? Speaking American offers a visual atlas of the American vernacular--who says what, and where they say it--revealing the history of our nation, our regions, and the language that divides and unites us.
Argues that the Democratic party has lost its voice on the issues important to the middle class, and analyzes the failures of the Mondale and Dukakis presidential campaigns
This first study provides illuminating insights in to America's preeminent Yankee Radical and his concepts.
Speaking Naturally is for intermediate and high intermediate ESL/EFL students who are interested in using English in social interaction.
Esta es un atlas accesible que se abarca todo el firmamento, tanto de latitudes boreales como australes, en un formato atractivo y adecuado para principiantes y observadores experimentados.
Speaking of Book Art: Interviews with British and American Book Artists
Accent America: The Complete Guide to Speaking the Standard American Accent
Do You Speak American? is the tale of their discoveries, which provocatively show how the standard for American English—if a standard exists—is changing quickly and dramatically.
This oral history reader, designed to supplement texts on the second half of the U.S. history survey, features the words of ordinary people who describe how they shaped, viewed, and remembered American history.
In this book, the authors highlight the importance of eliminating health disparities and increasing the access of Native Americans to critical substance abuse and mental health services.
Deloria, quoted in Friedman, Middle Class Rage, 276. ... 53–54; Nicholas V. Montalto, “The Intercultural Education Movement, 1924–1941: The Growth of Tolerance as a Form of Intolerance,” in Bernard J. Weiss, ed., American Education and ...