The Paterson Silk Strike of 1913 was a major struggle in the history of American labor. Over 25,000 Italian and Jewish workers shut down Paterson's 300 silk mills and dye houses for almost five months over the issue of workers' control of the rate of production. It was the biggest strike in Paterson's history. Workers overcame their differences in craft, nationality, and gender; and their democratic self-organization became a school in self-management. The workers invited the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) to aid them. The IWW included a stress on the active role of workers in the strike and this revolutionary vision of workers' control reached its fullest expression in the Paterson Strike Pageant performed by the workers themselves in Madison Square Garden. This was a revolutionary innovation in theater and labor struggles which remains an inspiration to labor and the Left.
This book examines the rise and fall of a handful of progressive and leftist third party efforts over the last century, from the 1920s to the present, including the Progressive Party of 1924, the Labor Party Movement of the 1930s, The ...
Profiles important figures both past and present in American arts, sciences, and politics.
An A-to-Z historical encyclopedia of US people, places, and events, with nearly 1,000 entries “all equally well written, crisp, and entertaining” (Library Journal).
These "Radicals in Power," however, brought about a lasting political realignment in their locales, and embodied the vision of a better future that was at the heart of all New Left activism.
A vibrant portrait of a celebrated urban enclave at the turn of the twentieth century.
Here are the intimate facts about these people and their attitudes toward sex, dope, jazz, art, religion, parents, landlords, employers, politicians, draft boards, the law and, most important, toward the “square”.
Having scoured the West for firsthand sources in family, library, and museum collections, Botkin melds the personal narrative of an American family with the story of the labor movements that once shook the nation to its core.
Shows that the elite of the art world are sustained by new forms and styles created by artists outside the mainstream.
A history of the global nature of the radical union, The Industrial Workers of the World
“They were desperate men in a savage land, and they had run out of time. But they had one last battle to fight.” La Cancion de Los Desperados