Published in 2001: Abbreviations, nicknames, jargon, and other short forms save time, space, and effort - provided they are understood. Thousands of new and potentially confusing terms become part of the international vocabulary each year, while our communications are relayed to one another with increasing speed. PDAs link to PCs. The Net has grown into data central, shopping mall, and grocery store all rolled into one. E-mail is faster than snail mail, cell phones are faster yet - and it is all done 24/7. Longtime and widespread use of certain abbreviations, such as R.S.V.P., has made them better understood standing alone than spelled out. Certainly we are more comfortable saying DNA than deoxyribonucleic acid - but how many people today really remember what the initials stand for? The Abbreviations Dictionary, Tenth Edition gives you this and other information from Airlines of the World to the Zodiacal Signs.
Medical acronyms and abbreviations offer convenience, but can often be confusing and difficult to decode.
An updated edition of current acronyms, abbreviations, and Americanisms includes some 19,000 entries that encompass a wide range of blends, clippings, foreign words, initialisms, numericals, and truncations.
In addition to current definitions, provides an historical treatment to words and idioms included.
Preceded by: Jablonski's dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations. 6th ed. c2009.
This reference is important for all practitioners and users in the areas mentioned above, and those who consult or write technical material. This Second Edition contains 10,000 new entries, for a total of 33,000.
Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms, & Abbreviations Dictionary: A Companion Volume to Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary, with Terms Arranged Alphabetically by...
Description: Over 10,000 abbreviations are added to this second edition of the dictionary, the first edition of which was published in 1999. The new edition contains over 30,000 abbreviations of...
Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary
Abbreviations; Acronyms; Anonyms and eponyms; Appellations; Contractions; Geographical equivalents; Historical and mythological characters; Initials and nicknames; Short forms and slang shortcuts; Signs and symbols.
In order to avoid misunderstanding these abbreviations, it is wise to refer to a reliable dic tionary, such as this one prepared by Heister. The abbreviation ED means, for instance, effective dose to the pharmacologist.