This book examines the issues of urban governance and local democracy in South India. It is the first comprehensive volume that offers comparative frameworks on urban governance across all states in the region: Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The book focuses on governance in small district-level cities and raises crucial questions such as the nature of urban planning, major outstanding issues for urban local governance, conditions of civic amenities such as drinking water and sanitation and problems of social capital in making urban governance work in these states. It emphasizes on both efficient urban governance and effective local democracy to meet the challenges of fast-paced urbanization in these states while presenting policy lessons from their urbanization processes. Rich in empirical data, this book will be useful to scholars and researchers of political studies, public administration, governance, public policy, development studies and urban studies, as well as practitioners and non-governmental organizations.
Charles Babington , “ Supreme Court Lets Stand Ban on Blacks - Only Scholarships , " Washington Post , May 23 , 1995 , p . 1. The affirmative action case is Adarand Constructors v . Pena , 115 S.Ct. 2097 ( 1995 ) . 57.
In this Eighth Edition of American Democracy in Peril, author William E. Hudson provides a perceptive analysis of the challenges our democracy faces in the current era: economic crisis, partisan gridlock, rising economic inequality, and ...
( Stanley Fischer [ 1993 ] provides much of the basis for the discussion here . Fischer does recognize that causation can be in the other ... link certain taxes to the rate of growth . Increases in income taxes , for example , lower the ...
Delegates presented recommendations through six working groups that addressed the issues of judicial independence, judicial ethics, judicial administration and the role of court administrators, governance of the judiciary, ...
21, no. 1 (March), pp. 1–33. Bornstein, Morris (1992), “Privatisation in Eastern Europe', Communist Economies and Economic Transformation, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 283–320; revised in Bornstein (1994), pp. 468–510. Bornstein, Morris (ed.) ...
In this important new book, an international team of experts critically examines issues of democratic representation in three culturally diverse nations whose governments are elected under systems of proportional representation - New ...
The text marks the metes and bounds of official authority and individual autonomy . When one studies the boundary that the text marks out , one gets a sense of the vision of the individual embodied in the Constitution .
Explaining Democracy: Comparative Politics and Latin America
Economy and Anti-democracy in Russia
Users, aided by improvements in computer and communications technology, increasingly can develop their own new products and services. Eric von Hippel looks closely at this emerging system of user-centred innovation.