The sixth edition of Becoming a Public Relations Writer continues its place as an essential guide to the writing process for public relations practice. Smith provides comprehensive examples, guidelines and exercises that allow students to both learn the fundamentals of public relations writing and practice their writing skills. Ethical and legal issues are woven throughout the text, which covers public relations writing formats for both journalistic and organizational media. This new edition updates and expands its coverage of writing for digital and social media--including blogs, websites and wikis, as well as social networking (Facebook), microblogging (Twitter), photo sharing (Instagram and Snapchat) and video sharing (YouTube). This range reflects the current landscape of public relations writing, preparing undergraduate students for a public relations career. Becoming a Public Relations Writer is a trusted resource for courses in public relations, media writing and strategic communication. Previous editions of this text have been adopted by more than 190 colleges and universities in the U.S. and among other English-speaking nations. Complementary online materials are provided for both instructors and students; instructors have access to support materials such as test banks, chapter overviews and a sample syllabus, while students will benefit from career prep resources such as ethics codes, an overview of professional organizations and sample news packages. Visit the Companion Website at
The author brings thirty-eight years in the public relations field to an insider's tour of the PR world and recounts his dealings with famous figures, such as Howard Hughes, John F. Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, and Ginger Rodgers
This comprehensive text is grounded in scholarship and includes references to landmark studies and time-honored public relations techniques.
For courses in Introductory Public Relations. Cutlip & Center offers students the gold standard in public relations, providing the most up-to-date reference in the market.
MediaSpeak: the Bold New Guide to Public Relations and Reputation Management
This book analyzes the development of public relations at AT&T, starting with a previously forgotten publicist, William A. Hovey, and including James D. Ellsworth and Arthur W. Page, who worked with other Bell executives to create a company ...
You Want Caviar But Have Money for Chitlins: A Smart Do-it-yourself PR Guide for Those on a Budget
Getting Publicity
This book analyzes the development of public relations at AT&T, starting with a previously forgotten publicist, William A. Hovey, and including James D. Ellsworth and Arthur W. Page, who worked with other Bell executives to create a company ...
... Winchester, UK Watson, T (1997) Measuring the success rate: Evaluating the PR process and PR programmes, in Principles and Practice of Public Relations, ed PJ Kitchen, Chapman and Hall, London Watson, T (2001) Integrating planning ...
A chapter dedicated to tools and templates gives students exposure to real documents they'll need in their careers Arising from a need for a practical, honest guide outlining the inter-workings of agency life, this text can be utilized as a ...