An Educator's Guide to Infant and Toddler Development is a comprehensive and approachable guide to the growth, learning and development of children from birth to age 3. Beginning with the foundations of infant and toddler education, environments and family relationships, this essential text explores each category of development in depth. Chapters clearly explain key learning and developmental milestones, provide real-life examples and walk readers through materials and strategies for effective practice. Designed to build effective and appropriate caregiving practices, this resource is packed with reflection questions and fieldwork observations to help students continually grow their knowledge and skills. Informative, thorough and easy to use, this is a critical guide for students, caregivers and teachers helping young children to learn and grow.
Listening for Clues
In J. Doris ( Ed . ) , The suggestibility of children's recollections : Implications for eyewitness testimony ( p . ... 322 : Critical period effects in second language learning : The influence of maturational state on the acquisition ...
Anderson , R. C. , & Pearson , P. D. ( 1985 ) . A schema - thoretic view of basic processes in reading comprehension . In P.D. Pearson ( Ed . ) , Handbook of reading research . White Plains , NY : Longman . Anderson , T. H. ( 1980 ) .
In this book, Susan Carey develops an alternative to these two ways of thinking about childhood cognition, putting forth the idea of conceptual change and its relation to the development of knowledge systems.
Budd Rowe, M. (1986). Wait time: Slowing down may be a way of speeding up! ... Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. de Bono, E. (1999). Six thinking hats. Boston: Back Bay Books. Swartz, R., Costa, A., ...
Austin : University of Texas Press , 1981 . Balfour , Ian . “ The Playhouse of the Signifier . ” Camera Obscura , no . 17 ( May 1988 ) : 155–69 ( special issue entitled “ Male Trouble ” ) . Barlow , Geoffrey , and Alison Hill , eds .
This gifted and talented test preparation book contains a full-length practice test, which provides gifted and talented CogAT test preparation for 2nd grade students.
Pōs skephtontai ta paidia
Habits of Mind: A Resource Kit for Australian Schools
In addition to an introduction and review of the literature (including the theories of Richard Paul and Henry Giroux), the work includes an analysis of transcripts of conversations with young children about their thinking."--BOOK JACKET.