Research Methodology for Social Sciences provides guidelines for designing and conducting evidence-based research in social sciences and interdisciplinary studies using both qualitative and quantitative data. Blending the particularity of different sub-disciplines and interdisciplinary nature of social sciences, this volume: Provides insights on epistemological issues and deliberates on debates over qualitative research methods; Covers different aspects of qualitative research techniques and evidence-based research techniques, including survey design, choice of sample, construction of indices, statistical inferences and data analysis; Discusses concepts, techniques and tools at different stages of research, beginning with the design of field surveys to collect raw data and then analyse it using statistical and econometric methods. With illustrations, examples and a reader-friendly approach, this volume will serve as a key reference material for compulsory research methodology courses at doctoral levels across different disciplines, such as economics, sociology, women's studies, education, anthropology, political science, international relations, philosophy, history and business management. This volume will also be indispensable for postgraduate courses dealing with quantitative techniques and data analysis.
Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers will be able to: Assess others' research and develop their own research Understand the scientific method, broadly defined and adapted to understanding human beings Use a critical and ...
Toplumsal araştırma yöntemleri: nitel ve nicelik yaklaşımlar
New this edition: MyResearchKit--Social Research Methods 7E can be packaged with this text at no additional cost (ISBN: 0205751342) or purchased separately.
Nitel araştırmacılar için 30 temel beceri
질적 연구방법론
FIGUEROA , Adolfo ; ALTAMIRANO , Teófilo y SULMONT , Denis : Exclusión social y desigualdad en el Perú , OIT , Lima , 1995 . FOUCAULT , Michel : Historia de la sexualidad , Siglo XXI , Madrid , 1980 . FULLER , Norma : Dilemas de la ...
This volume explores the field of research ethics and presents a distinctive perspective; one that is at odds with the assumptions underpinning ethical regulation, but also with the views of many qualitative researchers today.
Dr Laura Ruth Johnson discusses her work in community-based qualitative research. This approach stresses community participation in every aspect of the research, from establishing the research question to disseminating the findings.
Essentials of Thematic Analysis describes the conceptual grounding and processes of thematic analysis - a highly flexible method that produces meaning-based patterns (themes) from qualitative datasets.