Covering the academic and operational aspects of PhD research degree programmes, this accessible yet comprehensive book is an essential guide to navigating through the PhD research journey. Using a mixture of useful information, practical strategies and valuable advice, this book helps readers through the process of doing a PhD by providing essential hints and tips on key aspects such as the following: How to start, conduct and manage PhD research Working with your supervisor Writing your thesis Preparing for the viva This is a crucial resource for anyone wanting to know about approaches to research, substantive theories, data analytical techniques, essential research tools and a range of other issues that affect the chances of PhD success and completion. With global case studies and examples, this invaluable guide is a must-read for anyone undertaking a PhD in the social sciences.
This text addresses the problems of the doctoral research process, of finance and time-management and offers practical guidance and specialist advice to both students and their supervisors.
"The supposed extinction of the Indigenous Beothuk people of Newfoundland in the early nineteenth century is a foundational moment in Canadian history.
This text will be essential reading for PhD students and their supervisors in humanities, arts, social sciences, business, law, health and related disciplines.
How to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertation by David Sternberg Mastering these skills spells the difference between "A.B.D." and "Ph.D." -refuting the magnum opus myth -coping with the dissertation as obsession (magnificent or ...
This book is a must-read for PhD candidates and supervisors new to the genre, as well as those involved in directing PhD programmes who are interested in the pedagogical implications of the move towards article-based dissertations.
Community-based participatory research (CBPR) presents unique ethical and practical challenges, particularly for graduate students. This volume explores the nuanced experience of conducting CBPR as a PhD student.
"This book is designed to introduce doctoral and graduate students to the process of scientific research in the social sciences, business, education, public health, and related disciplines.
... 222 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 257n.11 Rubin, D.B., 182n.10 Rudd, Ernest, 1n.2 Rudenstine, Neil L., 275m.13 Sanford, ... 274m.12 Pogrow, Stanley, 107m.4 Porter, Oscar F., 109n.11 postsecondary education by country, 19–20 Prown Report, ...
Building Social Work Research Capacity Series Editor Joan Levy Zlotnik, PhD Building Research Culture and Infrastructure Ruth G. McRoy, Jerry P. Flanzer, and Joan Levy Zlotnik Research Integrity and Responsible Conduct of Research Ann ...
This book is a guide to non-academic careers for quantitative social scientists.