Clay Work and Body Image in Art Therapy provides an important addition to resources available in the field of clay work and art therapy, highlighting the unique sensory aspects of the medium and its ability to provide a therapeutic resource for women who experience body image issues. Chapters offer a comprehensive distillation of current knowledge in the field of body image, clay work, neuroscience, and art therapy, building a theoretical framework around personal narratives. Case studies examine the benefits of exploring body image through clay work within art therapy practice, providing a positive and contained way to find personal acceptance and featuring photographs of clay body image sculptures created by research participants that highlight their individual stories and experiences. As well as offering both clinical and practical implications, the text provides a full protocol for the research and evaluation methods carried out, enabling further replication of the intervention and research methods by other therapists. This book highlights clay work as a significant resource for art therapists, arts in health practitioners, and counsellors, providing an emotive yet contained approach to the development of personal body image acceptance and self-compassion.
You are inherently creative. Yes, you. Even if you’ve never picked up a paintbrush before, registered art therapist Ashlee Bennett will teach you how to reclaim your creativity and make amends with your body using art.
Vignettes and case material explain and expand the text, which interweaves an appreciation of clay in art with many practical suggestions for its use in therapy.
At this session I decided that working on body image was a primary goal - that through building clay figures , I could provide Joanne with a basic learning experience , and that this might be an avenue through which we could begin to ...
Using clay in therapy taps into the most fundamental of human experiences - touch. This book is a comprehensive step-by-step training manual that covers all aspects of 'Work at the Clay Field', a sensorimotor-based art therapy technique.
art works (products/objects) cultural expectations 80–1 as memorials 211–12 artistic traditions, cross-cultural ... 245 bereavement work grief therapy 257 see also grief art therapy black colors 102–3 blue colors 101–2 body image 36 and ...
... 82–6 ceramic-based art therapy background 113–5 as body-based psychotherapy 115–7 case study (Alice) 115 Clay Art Therapy ... 104 biosocial theory 24, 90–1, 158–9 black-or-white thinking 40–1, 49 body image work 107 body maps 142, ...
Though many approaches were based on Naumburg's original work and developed into structured academic programs, others that followed became the ... Art Therapy and Eating Disorders Significance of Appropriate Body Image Introduction — xiii.
Contains a range of illustrative case material from both individual and group therapy. The book addresses important issues faced by professionals.
CHAPTER 9 Clay Working with clay gives the client the opportunity to " get dirty , " to freely express himself / herself . Feelings may be expressed in ... Utilizing clay allows clients to mold behaviors , attitudes , and self - image .
One little girl at the infant level who had hitherto played 'tea-parties' with clay, elected to make her first conscious form, ... try to squeeze himself into a cardboard box, quite unaware of his own body image in relation to its size.