Tourism research that is inspired by theories of practice is currently gaining in prominence. This book provides a much-needed introduction to the potential applications of theories of practice in tourism studies. It brings together a variety of approaches exploring how theories of practice bridge themes and fields which are usually addressed separately within tourism research: consumption and production; travel and the everyday; governance and policy; technology and the social. The book critically engages with practices as a fruitful approach to tourism research as well as how the particularities of tourism might inform our understanding of practice theories. This book contributes to conceptual and methodological debates providing insights from authors who have engaged with practice theory as an entry point to researching tourism. It offers a solid starting point for researchers and students alike who wish to learn about, and try, this approach, as well as explore its possibilities and limitations in the field of tourism.
Tourism research that is inspired by theories of practice is currently gaining in prominence. This book provides a much-needed introduction to the potential applications of theories of practice in tourism studies.
The Handbook of Tourist Behavior will be of significant interest to researchers and students in tourism, leisure, marketing and psychology, and also to practitioners in the tourism industry.
This book with detailed information on tourism principles, policies and practices, will prove to be an essential learning tool for all those pursuing a career in any sector of tourism.
Transformative travel in a mobile world. CABI. Lean, G., Staiff, R., & Waterton, E. (Eds.). (2014). Travel and transformation. Current Development in the Geographies of Leisure Series. Ashgate Publishing. Magda, R. M. R. (1989).
The findings of this study have important implications for mountain tourism policy and practice. Keywords: Mountain tourism, hikers' characteristics, hikers' motivation, hiking experience 1 INTRODUCTION Chamah Kelantan), Mount Yong Yap ...
A critical overview of the core theories, concepts and ideas that have shaped the way we think about tourism.
This book discusses responsible tourism as a whole, including the politics, policy and planning behind it, and the major subject sub-topics, such as poverty reduction, the environment, transport, governance, wildlife tours and heritage.
Tourism: Concepts, Theory and Practice
This book examines the political order and the issues, processes and approaches in applying governance insights to tourist destinations. The book consists of 16 chapters presented in three parts.
References 9 Adler, P.A. and Adler, P. (1987) Membership Roles in Field Research (vol. 6). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Adler, P.A. and Adler, P. (1998) Observational techniques. In N.K. Denzin and Y.S. Lincoln (eds) Collecting ...