Developing Comprehensive School Safety and Mental Health Programs offers an integrated, long-term plan to create safe and supportive learning environments. This user-friendly guide illustrates how to develop, implement, evaluate, and sustain multiple evidence-based programs that work. This book informs school mental health professionals, administrators, and teachers about multi-tiered service delivery, organizational development, and facilitating the implementation process. It describes the complementary roles of school administrators, counselors, and school psychologists, providing school staff with time, resources, and ongoing support to strengthen their skills and sustain programs they have embraced. It expresses empathy and appreciation for teachers, advocating for their personal growth, professional collaboration, and stress management. School leaders, facilitators, and teams are provided the knowledge, skills, and long-term plans to effectively advocate, assess needs, select programs, train and encourage staff, provide resources, and implement, evaluate, and sustain desired goals.
"This book related to fundamental recognitions that 1) children, adolescents, and families usually make no or very poor connections to specialty mental health (see Atkins et al. 1998; Catron, Harris, & Weiss, 1999), 2) schools are where ...
The volume examines how communities can become involved, explores models for CSHPs, and identifies elements of successful programs. Topics include: The history of and precedents for health programs in schools.
This series is designed to provide detailed intervention recommendations based on theoretical developments and empirical findings to provide a framework for conceptualizing problems and selecting assessment and intervention approaches.
A Public Health Problem-Solving Model Robyn S. Hess, Rick Jay Short, Cynthia E. Hazel. Comprehensive Children's Mental Health Services in Schools and Communities A Public Health Problem-Solving Model Robyn S. Hess n Rick Jay Short n ...
Comprehensive planning for safe learning environments: A school professional's guide to integrating physical and psychological safety ... Developing comprehensive school safety and mental health programs: An integrated approach.
162 Ways We Want Our Class To Be 108 weapons 7, 23, 24, 28, 37, 298–9, 364 Weems, C. F. 49 Wehby, J. H. 208 Weiler, E. M. 134, 135 Weinstein, N. 231 Weissberg, R. P. 14, 64 Weist, M. 54 Welch, K. 278, 279 Wernick, L. J. 135 Whitman, ...
Provides framework and guidelines for developing comprehensive health-related programs for school-aged children in a broad range of community settings.
... Academy . of Pediatrics and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention , 2022 ) . In addition , we include reentry planning and what we consider the ... Suicide Risk Monitoring Tool The Suicide Risk Monitoring Tool ( SMT ) provides SMHPS.
A School Professional's Guide to Integrating Physical and Psychological Safety – Prevention Through Recovery Melissa A. Reeves, Linda M. Kanan, Amy E. Plog ... Everly, G. S., Phillips, S. B., Kane, D., & Feldman, D. (2006).
Their results indicated that students who had experienced trauma reported higher levels of loneliness than students who had ... and that they benefit from exploring the relationship of what they are learning to their faith framework.