Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs: Using Clinical Trial and Real-World Data

Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs: Using Clinical Trial and Real-World Data
Antineoplastic agents
CRC Press
Iftekhar Khan, Ralph Crott, Zahid Bashir


Cancer is a major healthcare burden across the world and impacts not only the people diagnosed with various cancers but also their families, carers, and healthcare systems. With advances in the diagnosis and treatment, more people are diagnosed early and receive treatments for a disease where few treatments options were previously available. As a result, the survival of patients with cancer has steadily improved and, in most cases, patients who are not cured may receive multiple lines of treatment, often with financial consequences for the patients, insurers and healthcare systems. Although many books exist that address economic evaluation, Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs using Clinical Trial and Real World Data is the first unified text that specifically addresses the economic evaluation of cancer drugs. The authors discuss how to perform cost-effectiveness analyses while emphasising the strategic importance of designing cost-effectiveness into cancer trials and building robust economic evaluation models that have a higher chance of reimbursement if truly cost-effective. They cover the use of real-world data using cancer registries and discuss how such data can support or complement clinical trials with limited follow up. Lessons learned from failed reimbursement attempts, factors predictive of successful reimbursement and the different payer requirements across major countries including US, Australia, Canada, UK, Germany, France and Italy are also discussed. The book includes many detailed practical examples, case studies and thought-provoking exercises for use in classroom and seminar discussions. Iftekhar Khan is a medical statistician and health economist and a lead statistician at Oxford Unviersity's Center for Statistics in Medicine. Professor Khan is also a Senior Research Fellow in Health Economics at University of Warwick and is a Senior Statistical Assessor within the Licensing Division of the UK Medicine and Health Regulation Agency. Ralph Crott is a former professor in Pharmacoeconomics at the University of Montreal in Quebec, Canada and former head of the EORTC Health Economics Unit and former senior health economist at the Belgian HTA organization. Zahid Bashir has over twelve years experience working in the pharmaceutical industry in medical affairs and oncology drug development where he is involved in the design and execution of oncology clinical trials and development of reimbursement dossiers for HTA submission.

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