This comprehensive volume explores the interface between sport and religion, or more broadly, sport and spirituality. While most of the contributions come from Western and Christian traditions, the volume raises broader questions about the kinds of impact that spirituality can and should have on sport, and equally, that sport can and should have on spirituality. The authors put forth an anti-dualistic message, one that argues against any vision of sport and religion existing in separate domains. Mind interpenetrates body, faith and love interpenetrate competition, spirituality and the Divine can interpenetrate secular games. This positive book has powerful implications for reforming contemporary sport, particularly crass, extrinsically-driven, win-at-all-cost versions of competition. It is a book about the incarnation, the paradoxical existence of the spirit in the flesh, love in competition, the myth-making power and meaning of games to engage the world, transcendent hope found in kicking a ball around, and how sport as a liturgy can mediate divine presence. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.
Examines the nature of Jesuit spirituality, which is a spirituality of life-giving and creative tensions.
In 'Cratylus', Plato speculates that the etymology of daimôn/daemones (deity/daemon) is from 'knowing' or 'wise', however, it is more probably 'daio' ('to divide, to distribute destinies, to allot'). In Plato's 'Symposium' ...
Pray- as You are
Flight Lessons: A Young Couple's First Journeys Toward Heaven
First published as the fruit of extended reflection at Cambridge University on Christianity's response to postmodernism, this book provides a map to help us navigate contemporary spirituality.
Dans ce nouvel ouvrage, Anne-Marie Lionnet nous livre les communications toujours plus pressantes et plus graves, mais d'une portée universelle, que continue de lui dicter sa fille unique, " partie " d'une leucémie le 9 janvier 1983, à l ...
For fans of fables and parables, who ate up Eat, Pray, Love, keep The Alchemist on their bedside tables, and adored Mitch Albom's The Time Keeper, this literary novel will open hearts and minds to the greater truth within all of us.
The Spiritual Teachings of Bernard of Clairvaux: An Intellectual History of the Early Cistercian Order
Simple , practical stories like Joseph Girzone's Joshua , or Robert Fulghum's All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten , or those in William J. Bennett's The Book of Virtues : A Treasury of the World's Great Moral Stories ...