Elephant finds a book and then sneezes, mixing up all the letters.
An elephant tells a young girl how he was captured and removed from his home to become an entertainer for tourists.
A gentle story about an elephant growing up and learning about its world.
Anthony,Anthony, Lawrence,Lawrence, andand GrahamGraham Spence.Spence. TheThe ElephantElephant Whisperer:Whisperer: MyMy LifeLife withwith thethe HerdHerd inin thethe AfricanAfrican Wild.Wild. NewNew York:York: St.St. Martin'sMartin's ...
Documents the true story of a gentle Indian elephant who after being born in an Indian jungle spent more than 40 years in Australia's Melbourne Zoo, where she was adored by thousands of children before being euthanized in the aftermath of a ...
Because of his "satiable curtiosity" about what the crocodile has for dinner, the elephant's child and all elephants thereafter have long trunks.
Bubbles matures, displays extraordinary intelligence, and eventually becomes a symbol of wildlife preservation. The story is told by Doc Antle, Bubbles’ rescuer and founder of the Myrtle Beach Safari.
The lives of elephants are described, including a special elephant named Ruby who learned to paint.
Face to Face With Elephants Morgan, Jody. . Firefly Books, 2004. Elephant Rescue: Changing the Future for Endangered Wildlife O'Connell, Caitlin. . Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. The Elephant Scientist Moss, Cynthia.
This book is a great, upbeat jumping-off point for discussions of the importance of preserving endangered species and their environments. • ENGAGING NONFICTION: There's no better way to get readers hooked on factual books than to offer ...
"Once I started this incomparable story, I couldn't put it down, and I cannot get it out of my mind—nor will I ever.